question:как сделать чтобы бот с фрейморком pyrogram от себя писал сообщение в чат, от своего имени. А то там он как юзербот, от моего имени пишет)
answer:Для того, чтобы бот отправлял сообщения от своего имени в чат, необходимо добавить в объект app параметр `bot_token` и использовать метод `send_message` у объекта `app`. Для этого выполните следующие шаги: 1. Получите API ID и API hash с сайта Запишите их в переменные `api_id` и `api_hash`. 2. Получите токен вашего бота, созданного через @BotFather. Запишите его в переменную `bot_token`. 3. Создайте объект Pyrogram с параметрами `api_id`, `api_hash` и `bot_token`: ```python from pyrogram import Client api_id = 12345 api_hash = '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef' bot_token = '1234567890:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqr' app = Client( 'my_bot', api_id=api_id, api_hash=api_hash, bot_token=bot_token, parse_mode='html' ) ``` 4. Отправьте сообщение с помощью метода `send_message`: ```python with app: app.send_message( chat_id='@my_chat', text='Hello, world!' ) ``` 5. Запустите приложение с помощью метода `run`: ```python ``` В данном примере бот отправит сообщение "Hello, world!" в чат `@my_chat` от своего имени. Обратите внимание, что бот должен быть администратором в чате, чтобы отправлять сообщения от своего имени.
question:优化代码: package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; /** * @Author: huafeng * @Email: <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_EMAIL_ADDRESS> * @Date:2023-04-07 11:23 */ public class IcFactoryHelper { private static ItemQueryServiceClient itemQueryServiceClient; private static final Logger inDataLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("shield_in_data"); /** * 通过ic查到标题、主题、副图,取到后放字段里面 * 添加宝贝subMessageType = 88 * 宝贝变更subMessageType = 9(主图+副图),34(标题) * * @param propertyMap * @param itemId */ public static void fillItemTitleAndPicture(Map<String, String> propertyMap, Long itemId, Integer subMessageType) { if (itemId == null || subMessageType == null) { return; } ItemDO itemDO = getItemInfo(itemId); if (itemDO == null) { return; } //添加宝贝subMessageType = 23 or 宝贝变更subMessageType = 34(标题) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemDO.getTitle()) && isTargetMessageType(subMessageType, OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_TITLE_CHANGE)) { propertyMap.put(FeatureKeys.CMS_DESC_TEXT.getKey(), itemDO.getTitle()); } //添加宝贝subMessageType = 23 or 宝贝变更subMessageType = 9(主图+副图) if (isTargetMessageType(subMessageType, OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_IMAGE_CHANGE)) { Set<String> imgs = getValidImages(itemDO); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(imgs)) { propertyMap.put(FeatureKeys.CMS_DESC_IMAGES.getKey(), JSON.toJSONString(imgs)); } } } /** * 是否是目标的subMessageType * @param subMessageType * @param targetMessageType * @return */ private static boolean isTargetMessageType(Integer subMessageType, Integer targetMessageType) { return subMessageType.equals(OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_FEED_REGISTER) || subMessageType.equals(targetMessageType); } /** * 调用IC查询 获取商品信息 * * @param itemId 宝贝ID * @return 商品信息 */ public static ItemDO getItemInfo(long itemId) { QueryItemOptionsDO options = new QueryItemOptionsDO(); //需要查图片 但不需要查库存数量 options.setIncludeImages(true); options.setIncludeQuantity(false); ItemResultDO itemResult; try { itemResult = itemQueryServiceClient.queryItemById(itemId, options); } catch (Exception e) { inDataLog.warn("itemQueryServiceClient.queryItemById hsf error:", e); return null; } if (itemResult != null && itemResult.isSuccess() && itemResult.getItem() != null) { return itemResult.getItem(); } return null; } /** * 从itemDO里面提取主图和副图 * * @param itemDO * @return */ private static Set<String> getValidImages(ItemDO itemDO) { Set<String> images = new HashSet<>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemDO.getPictUrl())) { images.add(itemDO.getPictUrl()); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(itemDO.getCommonItemImageList())) { itemDO.getCommonItemImageList().stream() .filter(itemImageDO -> itemImageDO.getImageUrl() != null && itemImageDO.getStatus() == 1) .forEach(itemImageDO -> images.add(itemImageDO.getImageUrl())); } return images; } public void setItemQueryServiceClient(ItemQueryServiceClient itemQueryServiceClient) { IcFactoryHelper.itemQueryServiceClient = itemQueryServiceClient; } }
answer:优化后的代码: package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; /** * @Author: huafeng * @Email: <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_EMAIL_ADDRESS> * @Date:2023-04-07 11:23 */ public class IcFactoryHelper { private static volatile ItemQueryServiceClient itemQueryServiceClient; private static final Logger inDataLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("shield_in_data"); /** * 通过ic查到标题、主题、副图,取到后放字段里面 * 添加宝贝subMessageType = 88 * 宝贝变更subMessageType = 9(主图+副图),34(标题) * * @param propertyMap * @param itemId */ public static void fillItemTitleAndPicture(Map<String, String> propertyMap, Long itemId, Integer subMessageType) { if (itemId == null || subMessageType == null) { return; } ItemDO itemDO = getItemInfo(itemId); if (itemDO == null) { return; } //添加宝贝subMessageType = 23 or 宝贝变更subMessageType = 34(标题) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemDO.getTitle()) && isTargetMessageType(subMessageType, OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_TITLE_CHANGE)) { propertyMap.put(FeatureKeys.CMS_DESC_TEXT.getKey(), itemDO.getTitle()); } //添加宝贝subMessageType = 23 or 宝贝变更subMessageType = 9(主图+副图) if (isTargetMessageType(subMessageType, OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_IMAGE_CHANGE)) { Set<String> imgs = getValidImages(itemDO); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(imgs)) { propertyMap.put(FeatureKeys.CMS_DESC_IMAGES.getKey(), JSON.toJSONString(imgs)); } } } /** * 是否是目标的subMessageType * @param subMessageType * @param targetMessageType * @return */ private static boolean isTargetMessageType(Integer subMessageType, Integer targetMessageType) { return subMessageType.equals(OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_FEED_REGISTER) || subMessageType.equals(targetMessageType); } /** * 调用IC查询 获取商品信息 * * @param itemId 宝贝ID * @return 商品信息 */ public static ItemDO getItemInfo(long itemId) { QueryItemOptionsDO options = new QueryItemOptionsDO(); //需要查图片 但不需要查库存数量 options.setIncludeImages(true); options.setIncludeQuantity(false); ItemResultDO itemResult; try { itemResult = getItemQueryServiceClient().queryItemById(itemId, options); } catch (Exception e) { inDataLog.warn("itemQueryServiceClient.queryItemById hsf error:", e); return null; } if (itemResult != null && itemResult.isSuccess() && itemResult.getItem() != null) { return itemResult.getItem(); } return null; } /** * 从itemDO里面提取主图和副图 * * @param itemDO * @return */ private static Set<String> getValidImages(ItemDO itemDO) { Set<String> images = new HashSet<>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemDO.getPictUrl())) { images.add(itemDO.getPictUrl()); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(itemDO.getCommonItemImageList())) { itemDO.getCommonItemImageList().stream() .filter(itemImageDO -> itemImageDO.getImageUrl() != null && itemImageDO.getStatus() == 1) .forEach(itemImageDO -> images.add(itemImageDO.getImageUrl())); } return images; } public static ItemQueryServiceClient getItemQueryServiceClient() { return itemQueryServiceClient; } public static void setItemQueryServiceClient(ItemQueryServiceClient itemQueryServiceClient) { IcFactoryHelper.itemQueryServiceClient = itemQueryServiceClient; } }
question:优化代码: package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; /** * @Author: huafeng * @Email: <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_EMAIL_ADDRESS> * @Date:2023-04-07 11:23 */ public class IcFactoryHelper { private static ItemQueryServiceClient itemQueryServiceClient; private static final Logger inDataLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("shield_in_data"); /** * 通过ic查到标题、主题、副图,取到后放字段里面 * 添加宝贝subMessageType = 88 * 宝贝变更subMessageType = 9(主图+副图),34(标题) * * @param propertyMap * @param itemId */ public static void fillItemTitleAndPicture(Map<String, String> propertyMap, Long itemId, Integer subMessageType) { if (itemId == null || subMessageType == null) { return; } ItemDO itemDO = getItemInfo(itemId); if (itemDO == null) { return; } //添加宝贝subMessageType = 23 or 宝贝变更subMessageType = 34(标题) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemDO.getTitle()) && isTargetMessageType(subMessageType, OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_TITLE_CHANGE)) { propertyMap.put(FeatureKeys.CMS_DESC_TEXT.getKey(), itemDO.getTitle()); } //添加宝贝subMessageType = 23 or 宝贝变更subMessageType = 9(主图+副图) if (isTargetMessageType(subMessageType, OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_IMAGE_CHANGE)) { Set<String> imgs = getValidImages(itemDO); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(imgs)) { propertyMap.put(FeatureKeys.CMS_DESC_IMAGES.getKey(), JSON.toJSONString(imgs)); } } } /** * 是否是目标的subMessageType * @param subMessageType * @param targetMessageType * @return */ private static boolean isTargetMessageType(Integer subMessageType, Integer targetMessageType) { return subMessageType.equals(OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_FEED_REGISTER) || subMessageType.equals(targetMessageType); } /** * 调用IC查询 获取商品信息 * * @param itemId 宝贝ID * @return 商品信息 */ public static ItemDO getItemInfo(long itemId) { QueryItemOptionsDO options = new QueryItemOptionsDO(); //需要查图片 但不需要查库存数量 options.setIncludeImages(true); options.setIncludeQuantity(false); ItemResultDO itemResult; try { itemResult = itemQueryServiceClient.queryItemById(itemId, options); } catch (Exception e) { inDataLog.warn("itemQueryServiceClient.queryItemById hsf error:", e); return null; } if (itemResult != null && itemResult.isSuccess() && itemResult.getItem() != null) { return itemResult.getItem(); } return null; } /** * 从itemDO里面提取主图和副图 * * @param itemDO * @return */ private static Set<String> getValidImages(ItemDO itemDO) { Set<String> images = new HashSet<>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemDO.getPictUrl())) { images.add(itemDO.getPictUrl()); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(itemDO.getCommonItemImageList())) { itemDO.getCommonItemImageList().stream() .filter(itemImageDO -> itemImageDO.getImageUrl() != null && itemImageDO.getStatus() == 1) .forEach(itemImageDO -> images.add(itemImageDO.getImageUrl())); } return images; } public void setItemQueryServiceClient(ItemQueryServiceClient itemQueryServiceClient) { IcFactoryHelper.itemQueryServiceClient = itemQueryServiceClient; } }
answer:优化后的代码: package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; /** * @Author: huafeng * @Email: <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_EMAIL_ADDRESS> * @Date:2023-04-07 11:23 */ public class IcFactoryHelper { private static volatile ItemQueryServiceClient itemQueryServiceClient; private static final Logger inDataLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("shield_in_data"); /** * 通过ic查到标题、主题、副图,取到后放字段里面 * 添加宝贝subMessageType = 88 * 宝贝变更subMessageType = 9(主图+副图),34(标题) * * @param propertyMap * @param itemId */ public static void fillItemTitleAndPicture(Map<String, String> propertyMap, Long itemId, Integer subMessageType) { if (itemId == null || subMessageType == null) { return; } ItemDO itemDO = getItemInfo(itemId); if (itemDO == null) { return; } //添加宝贝subMessageType = 23 or 宝贝变更subMessageType = 34(标题) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemDO.getTitle()) && isTargetMessageType(subMessageType, OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_TITLE_CHANGE)) { propertyMap.put(FeatureKeys.CMS_DESC_TEXT.getKey(), itemDO.getTitle()); } //添加宝贝subMessageType = 23 or 宝贝变更subMessageType = 9(主图+副图) if (isTargetMessageType(subMessageType, OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_IMAGE_CHANGE)) { Set<String> imgs = getValidImages(itemDO); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(imgs)) { propertyMap.put(FeatureKeys.CMS_DESC_IMAGES.getKey(), JSON.toJSONString(imgs)); } } } /** * 是否是目标的subMessageType * @param subMessageType * @param targetMessageType * @return */ private static boolean isTargetMessageType(Integer subMessageType, Integer targetMessageType) { return subMessageType.equals(OutEntityMessageDTO.MESSAGE_TYPE_FEED_REGISTER) || subMessageType.equals(targetMessageType); } /** * 调用IC查询 获取商品信息 * * @param itemId 宝贝ID * @return 商品信息 */ public static ItemDO getItemInfo(long itemId) { QueryItemOptionsDO options = new QueryItemOptionsDO(); //需要查图片 但不需要查库存数量 options.setIncludeImages(true); options.setIncludeQuantity(false); ItemResultDO itemResult; try { itemResult = getItemQueryServiceClient().queryItemById(itemId, options); } catch (Exception e) { inDataLog.warn("itemQueryServiceClient.queryItemById hsf error:", e); return null; } if (itemResult != null && itemResult.isSuccess() && itemResult.getItem() != null) { return itemResult.getItem(); } return null; } /** * 从itemDO里面提取主图和副图 * * @param itemDO * @return */ private static Set<String> getValidImages(ItemDO itemDO) { Set<String> images = new HashSet<>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemDO.getPictUrl())) { images.add(itemDO.getPictUrl()); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(itemDO.getCommonItemImageList())) { itemDO.getCommonItemImageList().stream() .filter(itemImageDO -> itemImageDO.getImageUrl() != null && itemImageDO.getStatus() == 1) .forEach(itemImageDO -> images.add(itemImageDO.getImageUrl())); } return images; } public static ItemQueryServiceClient getItemQueryServiceClient() { return itemQueryServiceClient; } public static void setItemQueryServiceClient(ItemQueryServiceClient itemQueryServiceClient) { IcFactoryHelper.itemQueryServiceClient = itemQueryServiceClient; } }
question:write simple pdf summerising blender shader nodes
answer:Blender shader nodes are the building blocks for creating materials and textures in Blender. There are three main types of shader nodes - Texture, Material, and Compositor nodes. Texture nodes are used to add textures to your materials. These include Image Texture, Noise Texture, and Gradient Texture nodes. Image Texture nodes allow you to add images to your materials, while Noise Texture and Gradient Texture nodes create patterns and color gradients respectively. Material nodes include Diffuse BSDF, Glossy BSDF, Transparent BSDF, and Emission nodes. These nodes are used to create the reflective and diffuse properties of your materials. Diffuse BSDF is used for flat, matte surfaces while Glossy BSDF is used for shiny, reflective surfaces. Transparent BSDF is used for objects with transparency, such as glass or water, and Emission nodes create materials that emit light. Compositor nodes are used for post-processing and adding effects to your final render. These include Color Balance, Glare, and Lens Distortion nodes. Color Balance nodes are used to adjust the colors in your render, while Glare nodes add lens flares and light blooms to your image. Lens Distortion nodes are used to simulate the effects of a camera lens on your final render. Overall, Blender shader nodes are essential for creating realistic and visually appealing materials and textures in your 3D projects.