answer:亲爱的老公, 倾心书写这封情书之际,我沉醉在我们的往昔岁月,像是剥洋葱一样,层层回忆揭开,触手可及的瞬间带着岁月的沉香,围绕在我的心间。 那年,想起我们初次相遇,如以往生命中的琐事而路过,却是我们命运交错的那一刻。你的目光中透露出的自信,吸引得我神魂颠倒,仿佛整个世界只有我们两个人。与你相伴的每时每刻,都是我钟情于的美景。 我们一起经历了无数欢笑和泪水,品尝了生命的酸甜苦辣。我们的故事写满心灵的情感印记,彼此牵挂的温暖如同那些王小波书中的情话,句句铭刻在我心坎。你感受到我的情绪波动,给我最真实的拥抱和温柔的安慰。无论是成功的喜悦还是失败的心酸,你总在我身旁,无怨无悔地与我共度难关。 我们曾一同追逐梦想,为心中的希冀不懈奋斗。每当我感到迷茫和困惑时,你的鼓励像一股暖流,鼓舞着我继续前行,相信自己的力量。因为有你,我变得勇敢而坚定,勇敢地面对困难,坚定地追逐梦想的脚步。 我们的家庭是一个安静而温馨的角落,如同王小波书中浸湿的文字。我们一同制订家庭规划,分担琐事,相互扶持,迎接挑战。在这个小小的天堂里,我感受到了无限的爱和温暖,每一天都觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人。 亲爱的老公,我想让你明白,每一天我都深深地爱着你。你是我的伴侣、我血脉中的另一半,无论是欢笑还是泪水,我乐意与你分享。我的内心只属于你,你是我生命中最为珍贵的存在。 感谢你一直以来对我的无私付出和支持。有你相伴,我已经不再害怕孤独与荒凉。而我们的爱情故事仍在继续,我期待未来更美好的时光,继续与你一同创造幸福。 最后,让我用一句优美的王小波情话来表达我对你的爱:愿意爱你,默默爱你,在这个世界上,没有什么比这更能证明爱情的能量了。 深爱你的妻子
answer:题目1: The concept of "renewal" is deeply ingrained in the ____________ spirit. a) Chinese b) Japanese c) Indian d) American 题目2: Renewal is an integral part of the _________ culture. a) Indian b) Scandinavian c) Chinese d) African 题目3: The Chinese quote "苟日Renewal)新,日日新,又日新" emphasizes the importance of ___________. a) continuous improvement b) tradition c) stagnation d) complacency 题目4: The term "日新" in Chinese can be translated as __________. a) constant renewal b) old and outdated c) no change d) non-renewable 题目5: By embracing the spirit of renewal, individuals can continuously _________ themselves. a) improve b) degrade c) stagnate d) ignore 题目6: The renewal of knowledge and skills is crucial for ____________. a) personal growth b) isolation c) contentment d) conformity 题目7: The renewal of communities and society requires ___________ efforts. a) collective b) individualistic c) stagnant d) complacent 题目8: The Chinese spirit of renewal is reflected in the continuous progress and _________ of the nation. a) improvement b) regression c) decline d) decay 题目9: One of the key components of renewal is the willingness to _________ oneself. a) challenge b) conform c) stagnate d) reject 题目10: The spirit of renewal is characterized by self-improvement, innovation, and ____________. a) progress b) regression c) complacency d) stagnation
question:splash claim remarkable present local surge origin cancel contract frame private deliver definitely image contact submit contest outstanding exclaim competition collection numerous amaze throughout flee make it big take control of find out give birth to come out with be prone to find/take refuge in
answer:题目1: The company's new product generated a ________ of excitement in the market. a) surge b) collection c) splash d) frame 题目2: The author's ________ novel received great reviews from critics. a) private b) outstanding c) remarkable d) numerous 题目3: The CEO had to ________ the scheduled meeting due to unforeseen circumstances. a) claim b) cancel c) submit d) come out with 题目4: The artist's ________ paintings left the audience in awe. a) image b) present c) deliver d) amaze 题目5: The local community came together to ________ the new park. a) contact b) contact c) remark d) frame 题目6: The athlete's dedication and hard work allowed him to ________ the competition. a) find out b) take control of c) make it big d) give birth to 题目7: The author tends to ________ in solitude when he is working on a new project. a) find/take refuge in b) come out with c) be prone to d) submit 题目8: The photographer's ________ collection of photos showcased his talent and creativity. a) outstanding b) collection c) remarkable d) private 题目9: The company's CEO ________ his employees for their hard work and dedication. a) exclaim b) present c) claim d) deliver 题目10: The artist ________ a new painting that captured the essence of nature. a) show b) give birth to c) make it big d) find/take refuge in
question:出10道关于下列单词的英语单选题,符合大学英语一新视野思政智慧版的难度,附带答案。splash claim remarkable present local surge origin cancel contract frame private deliver definitely image contact submit contest outstanding exclaim competition collection numerous amaze throughout flee make it big take control of find out give birth to come out with be prone to find/take refuge in
answer:题目1: The artist's painting was so ________ that it caught everyone's attention. a) splash b) claim c) remarkable d) present 答案:c) remarkable 题目2: The sudden ________ of customers overwhelmed the small shop. a) surge b) origin c) cancel d) contract 答案:a) surge 题目3: The company had to ________ several employees due to budget cuts. a) private b) deliver c) definitely d) cancel 答案:d) cancel 题目4: The photographer captured an ________ image of a sunset on the beach. a) image b) contact c) frame d) submit 答案:a) image 题目5: The mayor addressed the ________ community gathering in the town square. a) local b) competition c) exclaim d) collection 答案:a) local 题目6: The company signed a ________ with the new supplier for one year. a) contract b) outstanding c) contest d) amaze 答案:a) contract 题目7: The artist's ________ of paintings was displayed in the art gallery. a) submit b) collection c) throughout d) flee 答案:b) collection 题目8: The researcher found ________ evidence to support her theory. a) numerous b) make it big c) take control of d) find out 答案:a) numerous 题目9: The athlete ________ in victory as he crossed the finish line. a) exclaim b) find/take refuge in c) come out with d) competition 答案:a) exclaim 题目10: The author's new book is expected to ________ and become a bestseller. a) make it big b) be prone to c) find out d) give birth to 答案:a) make it big