question:What's the purpose of the operating table gel positioner?
answer:The purpose of the operating table gel positioner is to provide stable and comfortable positioning of patients during surgical procedures. It helps in maintaining the desired position and providing support to various body parts, ensuring the patient's safety and comfort throughout the operation. Additionally, it aids in optimizing the surgical field of vision for the surgeon and reducing the overall duration of the procedure.
question:Please translate: 高分子凝胶体位垫是根据人的体形、手术角度,采用特殊的医用材料设计制造,能更完善地固定病人体位,取得理想的手术效果。 凝胶材料可有效缓解压痛,具有分散支压点、减少肌肉和神经的压迫性损伤、防止褥疮等作用。
answer:The polymeric gel positioning pad is designed and manufactured using special medical materials based on the individual's body shape and surgical angles. It effectively stabilizes the patient's position, allowing for optimal surgical outcomes. The gel material efficiently alleviates pressure pain, disperses pressure points, reduces compression injuries to muscles and nerves, and helps prevent bedsores.
answer:Hello! How can I assist you today?
answer:Hello! How can I assist you today?