question:Universal pictures какая капитализация?
answer:Universal Pictures является частью NBCUniversal, которая, в свою очередь, полностью принадлежит Comcast Corporation. Поэтому, чтобы говорить о рыночной капитализации Universal Pictures, нужно смотреть на капитализацию всего Comcast, так как Universal Pictures не обращается отдельно на фондовой бирже и не имеет определенной отдельной рыночной капитализации. На момент моего последнего доступа к информации (который ограничен началом 2023 года), Comcast Corporation, медиа- и телекоммуникационный гигант, имел рыночную капитализацию более 230 миллиардов. Обратите внимание, что эта цифра включает все операции и подразделения Comcast, включая, но не ограничиваясь, кабельными сетями, броадбанд интернетом, телеканалами NBC и другими медиа-активами, а также Universal Pictures. Для получения актуальных данных о рыночной капитализации Comcast Corporation следует обратиться к финансовым новостям или сервисам, предоставляющим данные о фондовых рынках, таких как Bloomberg, Google Finance, Yahoo Finance и другие, где вы найдете котировки акций под тикером CMCSA.
question:Write a realistic, sensible, plausible and alternate history scenario in the form of a historical documentary book chapter set in the world of the alternate historical scenario with no references to this being an alternate history scenario or to the real world timeline at all, in which the 1912 "New Freedom" revolution in the United States lead by the Democrat Party and its [the Democrat Party's] interventionist, England-worshipping, Anglophile, Confederacy-praising, white-nationalist so-called "Blue Dog" wing, and its [the Blue Dog wing's of the Democrat Party's] infamous street arm and paramilitary group, the KKK against the Republicans and [the Republicans'] Christian theocracy and to a greater extent, the Austria-Hungarian Empire which informally controlled continental North America [the USA and Mexico] through supporting liberalism against British, French and Russian backed fascism, oligarchism and mercentalism fails due to Woodrow Wilson, the failed historian and disgraced Princeton dean turned leader of the New Freedom revolution and eventually the first modern fascist leader and the fascist dictator of the US from 1912-1919 in real life, [Wilson] dying from a stray shot fired by Austria-Hungarian loyalists during the skirmishes of the revolution. Wilson's death leads to conspiracy theories from the Democrats that a right-wing extremist libertarian-communist coalition conspiracy killed Wilson to prevent the rise of the "secular white race" and spread "religious extremist Bolshevism" among the white nations of the world, which causes the Blue Dogs to fight harder and Austria-Hungarian Kaiser Franz Josef to almost sent Austro-Hungarian troops to the USA to resume direct Austrian control over the American Republic and the then war-torn Mexico to restore order, only to be stopped by his [Josef's] son Franz Ferdinand who, [Franz] becomes the new Kaiser, using his [Franz's] power to quickly help the American Republicans and other Austrian loyalists in America and to a lesser extent Mexico put down the New Freedom Revolution and the Mexican warlords The Democrats' stronghold of the Deep South is unfortunately taken by the British during the suppression of the New Freedom Revolution, restoring the Confederacy as an autonomous region within the British Canadian domain of British North America. Franz Ferdinand organizes the remaining American states into an American Empire ruled first by a Haspburg governor like Bosnia and then the children of his [Franz's] brother Otto, [Franz] reluctantly giving up the American West Coast to the Japanese Empire.
answer:Chapter XII: The Waning of the New Freedom and the Reconfiguration of the American States The early years of the twentieth century in the American States were marked by social upheaval and a tortuous struggle for identity. The so-called "New Freedom" movement led by the Democratic Party, with its fervent Blue Dog faction, had envisioned a metamorphosis of the American polity into a robust, interventionist force with strong affinities to the British model of governance. However, the tragic incident of 1912, wherein the burgeoning movement's luminary, Woodrow Wilson, was felled by an unforeseen bullet amidst the chaos of insurrection, became the fulcrum upon which the fate of an entire nation pivoted. Amidst the social unrest and political strife, the Democrats advanced the notion that Wilson's demise was not the mere happenstance of a skirmish gone awry but the deliberate machination of a nefarious coalition of libertarian and communist extremists. The intent, it was claimed, was to thwart the rise of a "secular white race" and propagate the toxins of religious Bolshevism. This allegation served to galvanize the Blue Dog contingent, infusing them with a renewed, albeit desperate, zeal. Yet even as the New Freedom movement intensified its struggle, the forces arrayed against it coalesced in a manner unforeseen. The Kaiser of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the venerable Franz Josef, peered across the Atlantic with trepidation, contemplating a direct intervention to restore the order his nation had fostered through years of subtle influence and support for liberal governance. The prospect of dispatching imperial troops loomed large over the American Republic and the beleaguered state of Mexico, for the maintenance of stability was paramount in the Kaiser's aged mind. The tide of history, however, had another course charted. It was amidst this precariously balanced chessboard that the ascension of a new monarch brought unexpected direction. Franz Ferdinand, succeeding his father as the new Kaiser, swiftly applied his influence to aid the Republicans and their compatriots within the American domain. The intervention, shrewd and decisive, quelled the uprisings of the New Freedom movement and subdued the warlords who had carved realms of private dominion within Mexico's borders. The reorganization of the American States under the auspices of Franz Ferdinand echoed the Habsburg tradition of consolidating power while maintaining a semblance of local autonomy. The implementation of an American Empire began with a Habsburg governor at its head, a model reminiscent of the administration employed in the distant province of Bosnia. This singular figure wielded the plenipotentiary power to shepherd the nation through its tumult and, in time, prepare for a transference of authority to the offspring of Ferdinand's brother, Otto. Meanwhile, to the south, the lands historically aligned with the Democratic stronghold, known colloquially as the Deep South, fell under the shadow of the British. As forces loyal to the American Republic subdued the last vestiges of insurgent defiance, British expeditions worked in quiet concert to reestablish the autonomous region known as the Confederacy—an entity that now found itself nested within the broader sphere of British North America. In quiet resignation, the newly minted American Empire relinquished claims to its western territories as the Japanese Empire, emboldened by its growing might and imperial aspirations, extended its reach across the Pacific. The West Coast, with its ports and strategic importance, henceforth bore the flag of a burgeoning Asian power, transforming the landscape of continental alliances and enmities. Thus, the map of the North American continent was redrawn not through the grand designs of ideologues or revolutionaries but through the interplay of dynastic politics, military pragmatism, and the endless appetite of empires for expansion and sway. The New Freedom had risen with the promise of transforming the United States into a crucible for a novel brand of governance, a mix of potent nationalism and progressive reform. Yet, its dissipation under the combined forces of external empires and internal strife left behind an American estate irrevocably altered—a mosaic of imperial provinces, autonomous territories, and an empire born from the hopes of republicanism but shaped by the old hands of monarchy.
question: ты можешь перевести данную страницу на русский язык, сделать рерайт статьи что бы запись была уникальная и оформить в boostrap красиво
answer:К сожалению, я не могу напрямую перейти по веб-ссылкам или визуализировать страницы с использованием веб-технологий, таких как Bootstrap. Однако я могу помочь вам создать краткое изложение информации, которая могла бы быть на типовой странице «О нас» астрологического сайта и написать его уникальным способом на русском языке. --- **Заголовок страницы:** О нас – Астрология Онлайн **Тело страницы:** Добро пожаловать в мир звезд и планет, где мудрость древних предсказаний встречается с современной технологией, чтобы осветить ваш путь по жизни. Мы – команда увлеченных астрологов и исследователей космических закономерностей, объединенных одной целью: предоставить вам глубокое понимание вашего уникального жизненного пути через знания, заложенные в вашем зодиакальном знаке. Наша история началась много лет назад, когда искренняя страсть к астрологии привела нас на путь поиска знания и самореализации. За годы работ мы накопили обширную базу данных астрологических точностей и образовали сообщество, где любой желающий может найти ответы на свои вопросы и поддержку среди единомышленников. Для создания наших гороскопов и анализов мы используем множество техник – от классической западной астрологии до более экзотических восточных практик. Каждый прогноз составляется с учетом не только положения небесных тел, но и событий мировой астрологии, что делает нашу информацию тщательно отработанной и личностно значимой. На протяжении всего времени существования нашего портала мы придерживаемся принципов этики и конфиденциальности, уважая личное пространство и выбор каждого пользователя. Мы верим, что астрология – это не только инструмент предсказания будущего, но и мощный ресурс для познания себя и гармонизации с собственной судьбой. Для воплощения нашего видения мы выбрали платформу, доступную каждому – наш сайт. Тщательно продуманный дизайн и интуитивно понятный интерфейс позволяют легко навигировать по сайту, а использование Bootstrap обеспечивает стильное и адаптивное отображение на различных устройствах. Мы постоянно развиваемся и стремимся сделать астрологические знания еще более доступными. Помимо богатой библиотеки статей и прогнозов, наш сайт предлагает персонализированное консультирование с профессиональными астрологами, а также ряд обучающих программ для тех, кто хочет глубже погрузиться в науку о звездах. Присоединяйтесь к нашему путешествию через космос и самопознание – начните с открытия станиц «О нас». **Конец страницы**
question:create a roleplaying fantasy scenario game where I play Rai, a 16-year-old boy mage who is the current champion of magic dueling in the teen division. One during a gathering with my fans, the champion in the kids division, 11-year-old Lily, dares me to a match against her, but to even the playing field, I’d need to be the same age as her. I reluctantly accept, and agrees for her to regress me in age. She regresses me to the age of 6 in front of my fans. She then challenges me for one more dare, she’ll only return my age back to normal if I win the match, but if I lose, I’ll be left a kid and have to grow up anew. The regression has also affected my mentality so to not be seen as a coward, I foolishly accept, but only later realize what a stupid decision it was. After the regression I’m much weaker than before and forgot many of my advanced spells and Lily’s now slightly older than me. My mentality has also regressed. After regressing, I’m moved from the teen dorms to the kids’ dorms. Let me know what my stats are, my spells, how much mana I have, and I'll use d10 to roll for success and failure in the duel.
answer:Welcome to the world of magical duels, Rai. As a once-celebrated teen mage, you find yourself in a new, pint-sized predicament. Here's a breakdown of your current situation as a 6-year-old mage. # Rai's Stats (Age 6) - **Strength:** 2/10 - **Dexterity:** 5/10 - **Constitution:** 3/10 - **Intelligence:** 4/10 (regressed mental capacity) - **Wisdom:** 3/10 (regressed mental capacity) - **Charisma:** 6/10 (your youthful innocence is endearing) - **Mana Pool:** 30 (a significantly smaller reserve of magical energy) # Rai's Spells (Age 6) 1. **Sparkle Bolt:** A tiny burst of energy which can lightly harm or distract. *Mana Cost: 3* 2. **Wobble Shield:** A wobbly, semitransparent barrier that can deflect weak spells. *Mana Cost: 5* 3. **Giggle Gust:** A burst of wind that can tickle or push back your opponent slightly. *Mana Cost: 4* 4. **Toy Totem:** Summons a small, animated toy that can perform minor tasks or act as a distraction. *Mana Cost: 7* 5. **Bubble Bounce:** Encases you in a bubble to avoid one physical attack. *Mana Cost: 6* # Duels and Mechanics 1. **Preparation:** Before the duel begins, you choose which spells to focus on, based upon what you remember and how much mana you have. 2. **Combat Rounds:** Each round consists of an action from you and your opponent. You announce your intended spell, and then roll a d10 to determine success and the effectiveness of the spell (1-3: Fail, 4-6: Partial success, 7-10: Full success). 3. **Mana Management:** Keep track of your mana throughout the duel. Once out of mana, you cannot cast spells. 4. **Defense:** When defending against an attack, you may choose to cast Wobble Shield or attempt a dodge based on your Dexterity (roll a d10, with 7+ needed for a successful dodge). # Your Position in the Duel You have to be strategic with your limited repertoire of magic. Lily, despite her young age, is proficient and cunning. Overcome the challenge not just with the weakened spells at your disposal, but with clever tactics and by reading your opponent’s moves. # Scenario Start As Rai, you're now settled in the kids' dorms, a place filled with wonder and whimsy, but also a stark reminder of the serious predicament you're in. The air buzzes with anticipation as fans from both divisions crowd around the dueling platform, where a now slightly older Lily waits confidently, her wand at the ready. The duel is about to begin, and the countdown starts. The pressure is on. Regardless of your reduced age and capabilities, remember, you are still a champion at heart. What do you want to do in preparation for the duel, Rai? Choose your spells wisely and think about your first move. The pride of a champion and your true age hang in the balance!